Thursday, June 20, 2013


He is the most dreaded cop in Kenya. At the very mention of his name it is said that thugs urinate on themselves in fear. Many consider him to be super cop who never eve takes bribes or works with thugs to look the other way as many cops do. His colleagues (both corrupt and straight) fear him but thugs fear him  even more after several attempts to assassinate him have failed miserably. He is Nairobi’s phantom super cop. Now you see him and the next second he vanishes into the thin air like a ghost.

Many know him only by the name “Masai” (although he is not even a Masai but is in fact a Kisii).

Older Kenyans compare him to the legendary Patrick Shaw because he does exactly what the late Shaw used to do. That is he identifies violent budding thugs early and usually warns them off strongly advising them to leave town ASAP (as soon as possible) and go back to their rural homes and completely forget about life in the city. He even goes as far as asking how much the bus or matatu fare is and gives it in cash, so that there are no excuses later.  He tells these thugs bluntly that if they do not comply they will almost certainly die, many young thugs have taken his warnings lightly and paid with their lives because he has no mercy when he catches them committing crimes.

Most policemen move around in pairs. Even undercover cops have a partner lurking around somewhere s their extra “security” However Masai usually moves around alone totally alone. It probably helps that he is amaster of disguise. at times you will see him in overalls and be toally convinced that he is some Jua Kali car mechanic. At other times he will be begging for cash at some seed corner in town. Still at other times it is easy to mistake him for a thug. It is said that he changes his disguise so frequently that there are very few people indeed who know exactly what he looks like.

But whenever there is a shoot out between thugs and the police you will know that Masai was involved when the body count of dead thugs is high. He hardly misses when he shoots and it hardly matters what kind of gun he is using. He is a deadly crack shot both with a revolver and AK 47 or any other automatic weapon.

On several occasions he has had many year misses which Nairobians are beginning to now question.

At one time in Uthiru in an area where even heavily armed policemen fear to tread.  On another occasion some dangers thugs laid an ambush for him and suddenly came out of hiding and surrounded him. All they had to do was to gun Masai down. Instead it si said that they lost their never and fled in all directions just at the sight of him.

In yet another bizzzare incident yet another ambush was aldi for him deep in the notorious Dandora Estate. But in unexplained circumstances just before the ambush point, Masai who was driving slowed down his car and allowed another vehicle to overtake him. Seconds later thugs opened fire on the car that had just overtaken him killing the driver instantly and riddling his car full of bullet holes.

Some superstitious Nairobians are now convinced that Masai is very well “Protected” by witchcraft powers which makes it impossible for thugs to shoot him. Some of his colleagues are also equally puzzled because in this day and age when most armed plain clothes policemen wear bullet proof vests, Masai refuses to come anywhere near one, let alone put it on. What gives him so much confidence when every thug in town would wish to execute him to make life in crime easier for all criminals? Is it just luck and skill that has gotten him out of every imaginable tight corner without a scratch? Or is there more to this cop then meets the eye?

Masai has been involved in several fierce shutouts  where he has single handedly gunned down entire guns without having to call for any back up. His admirers say that he has never requested back up in his entire career in the police force despite being in many tight and dangerous  situations where he has always managed to emerge from unscathed and victorious yet again.

Sources say that Masai is currently based somewhere close to the sprawling Kibera slums.

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